LESSON: Don’t let the U.S. Government steal a company, even if from a foreign entity and backed by an adversarial government. Just wait...
LESSON: Don’t let the U.S. Government steal a company, even if from a foreign entity and backed by an adversarial government. Just wait...
LESSON: The White-Collar workforce has become softer and less productive than any time in history. Don’t blame just Gen Z’s and...
LESSON: Leaders controlling significant profits and value must know the federal government does not care about the victims of financial...
LESSON: Part V – As a Business Leader, you must open your eyes to the tricks and motivations of government regulators and prosecutors. ...
LESSON: Miracles, as defined as impossible, are real if you will only believe that they are real. Something is going on out there in the...
LESSON: Part IV - Regardless of the perfect and conscientious life you think you lead, this may happen to you next Tuesday. As a...
LESSON: Regardless of the perfect and conscientious life you think you lead, this may happen to you next Tuesday. As a successful...
LESSON: As a successful business leader, you must take a step back and understand the inside reality of how the DOJ & Federal Court...
LESSON: As a successful business leader, you must take a step back and understand the inside reality of how the DOJ & Federal Court...
Lesson: 97% of human communication depends on how you look and how  you say it. 3% depends on what  you say and how pretty your...
LESSON: Hiring a veteran into your executive suite instantly increases the productivity, proficiency, and toughness of your corporate...
LESSON: Stop believing or accepting government economic numbers, and even more so their rationalization of why today we are not growing...
Lesson: Do Not compromise A-Player culture to increase your company's revenue, footprint, or size. This will always come back to bite...
LESSON: If we want to be part of the 1% top-level leaders, we must physically and mentally force ourselves to be extroverts 24/7. ...
LESSON: Focus on cash. Nothing else matters if you run out of cash. Don’t take the usurious loans with crazy interest rates and...
LESSON: Stop wandering. Stop going through the motions. Slap yourself into urgency today and capitalize on everything possible this very...
LESSON: Leaders must periodically stop, take stock, and have extreme appreciation for their lives, most importantly when in the middle of...
LESSON: Leaders overcoming adversity should make it a habit to regularly read the Wall Street Journal obituary section and note two...
LESSON: The pressure of leadership and continual achievement often causes us to reach a point at which we fear losing more than we enjoy...
LESSON: The scars of extreme adversity can run deep but think of them as reminders to live our best lives forward. Scars can add wisdom...