Lesson: 97% of human communication depends on how you look and how you say it. 3% depends on what you say and how pretty your PowerPoints are. Let that settle in.
The below lesson is an excerpt from my course, Building Special Companies.
Today, everyone makes fun of me for wearing my $60 (with veteran discount) Haggar sport coat every day to work and zooms. They don’t understand that it makes me 10x more money. We must resist the dumbing down and slobbing down of America.
I am currently sitting in an airport and just cannot believe what people wear to travel today. If you analyze the underlying psychological reasons, experts say there are only two reasons for slovenliness:
1. “I don’t give a **** (which bleeds into every part of their lives), and/or
2. “I don’t greatly value myself and my impact on the world.”
This ultra-casual personal presentation is a reflection of society’s current defiance of class and grace, and leadership by example. It is merely a manifestation of inner culture beliefs that we are not still the greatest country and culture on earth. This may sound extreme, but any psychologist worth their degree backs this inner belief.
Secondly, very few business associates today answer the boss with enthusiasm or jump on that 10th Zoom of the day and take a deep breath to give it all the energy they can muster. Most people are sleepwalking through life and business, and it shows. When you do get a meeting or zoom today with a high-energy associate trying to achieve greatness, it gives you pause.
Remember how Michael Jordan answered the question of why he gave it such a Herculean effort every single game? He talked about the one kid in the stands with his father who had never seen him play before, and he always wanted that kid to remember his greatness – he didn’t want to cheat him.
This week I urge all our community to look sharp and act sharp and give it everything you have. Your success with the promotion, closing the deal, or even just greatly expanding your network of friends depends almost entirely on how you look and act. No one really cares what you have to say, or what your PowerPoint or White Paper says. They just care how you make them feel.
Please open your brain to this to wildly increase your economic success – not to mention your relationships and love life! Give it more effort this week!
Have a great week!
Order Amazon #1 Best Seller When Not If (Hardback, Kindle, Audio): https://www.amazon.com/When-Not-If-Overcoming-Adversity/dp/B0CKWTYSFF/r and on Audible https://www.audible.com/pd/B0D2LQ6QNC and Chirp When Not If by John Kador & Jeff Martinovich - Audiobook (chirpbooks.com).
Just One More: Just One More: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich: Martinovich, Mr Jeffrey A: 9781790554850: Amazon.com: Books
